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  • Coughlin Kia of Lancaster

Dec 16, 2022

While on the road, few experiences are scarier than brake failure. But if you regularly have your brakes serviced and you also keep an eye out for signs of trouble, you’re unlikely to ever have serious brake problems. The following four warning signs should prompt you to visit your nearest Kia dealer right away for a closer inspection and brake repair.

You Hear Squealing When You Brake

Perhaps the most common indication of brake issues is a squealing sound when you press the brake pedal. This high-pitched noise means that one of your brake pads has worn down too far.

Brake pads grip the rotor discs every time you slow or stop your car. They’re designed to start squealing to alert you that it’s time for a new pad. It’s wise to replace a noisy pad before the upper friction layer disappears entirely.

You Hear Metallic Grinding 

Each brake pad is formed of a lower steel casing layer and an upper layer commonly formed of materials such as metal fragments, fiberglass, rubber, and various carbon compounds bound together with resin. It’s this friction layer that wears down whenever you use your brakes.

If you allow the friction layer to wear away completely, metal will start scraping on metal and you’ll hear a painful grinding sound when you brake. This rapidly damages the rotor and also reduces braking force.

You Notice Leaking Brake Fluid

A car with leaking brake fluid should never be driven. Brake fluid maintains hydraulic force inside the brake lines, which allows the pressure of your foot on the pedal to clamp the rotors and slow your car. If your brake fluid hoses spring a leak, at best your brakes will feel spongy and less effective. At worst, they’ll fail altogether.

Brake fluid is usually a clear yellow in color, turning brown as it ages. In the case of a leak, you’ll usually notice a yellow-brown fluid pooling under your car.

You Experience Brake Fade

When brakes become overheated through excessive continual use, they can sometimes become weakened by the heat. You’ll suddenly realize you’re not stopping as sharply as you should be. This phenomenon is called brake fade.

If you ever experience brake fade, pull over immediately. Allow your brakes to cool down. This should solve the problem but if the brake fade persists, have a professional take a look.

How Often to Have Servicing at Your Local Kia Dealer

During a regular brake inspection, a technician will find any potential problems early on and fix them before they become more serious. It’s recommended that most drivers have their brakes inspected and serviced at least once a year.

If you often commute in heavy traffic, drive through mountainous terrain, or carry heavy loads, then your brakes are under more pressure each day. You should have them inspected more frequently too.

Visit Coughlin Kia Lancaster today
to have your brakes examined and repaired. We provide excellent vehicles with top-notch service to match.